Get in touch



Limmerbrunnen 11

30453 Hannover

Lower Saxony/Germany

Phone +49 (0) 5 11 - 99 99 41 40

Fax +49 (0) 5 11 - 99 99 41 49





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JUNIFILM headquarter in Hannover, together with Cineteam Hannover
JUNIFILM headquarter in Hannover, together with Cineteam Hannover

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How to find us

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By train:

From Hannover main station take tram line 10 direction Ahlem to station Brunnenstraße. From here on foot about 8 minutes via Dieselstraße, Eichenbrink and Sichelstraße to Limmerbrunnen 11. Total travel time about 25 minutes.


By car:

From the Westschnellweg (B6) on the B441 (Limmerstraße) in direction west, on Zimmermannstraße, Eichenbrink, directly after the bridge turn right into the Sichelstraße. The second street on the left is Limmerbrunnen.


By plane:

From Hannover Airport take the S5 or S6 to Hannover-Hauptbahnhof, from there take tram line 10 in the direction of Ahlem to station Brunnenstraße. From here on foot about 8 minutes via diesel road, oak bridge and sickle road to Limmerbrunnen 11. Total travel time about 55 minutes.